Why CompaNanny?

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Our working method

At CompaNanny, we work with a well thought-out pedagogic policy. We use a mindful working method in which we focus on the needs of the child, conscious attention, indoor and outdoor play materials and our 7 pedagogical values.

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Our Employees

A close-knit team of well-trained Pedagogical Employees, Assistant Managers and (Assistant) Branch Managers work at all CompaNanny branches. They are our experts who express and transmit our pedagogical values to the children.

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Our services

We give parents peace of mind with our services. We offer extended opening hours, a parent portal, bilingual childcare and healthy hot meals. Our experts provide help or advice with parenting questions in the form of podcasts, blogs and webinars.

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Inspiration by experts

Our pedagogical vision is formed by a combination of our own knowledge and experiences as well as the views of pediatrician and educationalist Emmi Pikler (babies), the ideas of Reggio Emilia (toddlers) and the communication method How2Talk2Kids. All our inspirations are based on the competent child, which ties in with CompaNanny's pedagogical vision.

Continuous quality monitoring and optimisation

CompaNanny stands for the quality we offer children every day. Structurally monitoring and optimising our pedagogical methods is essential for our quality. For this reason, quality observations are carried out every year at all groups of each branch by our internal Pedagogical Coaches.

The quality observations give us insights into what is going well and where there is room for improvement. In addition, these moments are used for on-the-job coaching. Our pedagogy and quality team plays an important role in this process. Together with the Pedagogical Coaches, they create an environment in which the teams at the branches are inspired and challenged to get the best out of themselves, with the aim of offering the best quality for children.

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Partner pedagogy and quality

Our role goes far beyond childcare. We do the parenting together with parents, exchange tips and ensure a good foundation for later.