Terms & Conditions

General and additional conditions
As of 1 March 2025, the following conditions apply:
General conditions Branchevereniging Kinderopvang
Additional conditions CompaNanny
Frequently asked questions about our terms and conditions from 1 March 2025
Why are the terms and conditions changing?
The updated conditions are more in line with recent social, practical and legal developments and are designed to capture practice as clearly and unambiguously as possible.
How do I agree to the terms and conditions?
When you open the ParentApp, a pop-up will appear with a link to the General Terms and Conditions 2025 (BK) and CompaNanny's additional terms and conditions. You can then accept or reject the conditions.
If you do not yet have an agreement, you will always receive the most recent conditions with the contract. By signing the contract you automatically agree to our terms and conditions.
What are the main changes in the new terms and conditions compared to the old ones?
The new terms and conditions include some clarifications and adjustments. For example, the conditions around price changes have been adjusted to better reflect practice; we adjust rates once a year. The linking of the end date to the age of the child has also been described more clearly. In addition, the new industry conditions affect some parts of our supplementary conditions, so we have adjusted them to be consistent with the industry organisation's content.
What happens if I do not agree to CompaNanny's new terms and conditions and/or additional terms and conditions as of 1 March 2025?
Nothing will happen. This does not affect your childcare agreement. If you do not agree, CompaNanny's current terms and conditions will continue to apply to your agreement. We keep a record in our systems of which terms and conditions apply to which agreements.
What will change if I enter into a new reception agreement from 1 March 2025?
All childcare agreements entered into from 1 March 2025 will be subject to the branch conditions 2025 and the CompaNanny supplementary conditions. This also applies if, for example, your child moves from the nursery to out-of-school care and you enter into a new agreement for that purpose, or in the event of a change in the contract.
I clicked away the pop-up but now my account is blocked. What can I do?
When you open the ParentApp, a pop-up will appear asking you to accept or reject the terms and conditions. You can click away this pop-up a maximum of three times. After these three attempts, access to the ParentApp will be blocked until you accept or reject the terms and conditions.