Contact us

Baby ligt lachend op de grond met speelgoed in handen

Frequently asked questions

Most answers to questions can be found on our frequently asked questions page. Is the answer to your question not listed there? Then you can contact us using the form below.

Contact with the branch

Does your child already attend a CompaNanny Daycare, kindergarten or After-School Care and do you have a question for this particular loaction? Or would you like to discuss something with the employees of your child's group or establishment?  If so, please email or call the branch. Each branch has a fixed number, where you can use a menu to be put through to the (Deputy) Branch Manager in the office or to the Pedagogical Employees in your child's group. You can find the e-mail addresses and telephone numbers on the location page.

Compananny Kinderopvang Welke Opvang Peuterspeelzaal Ophalen
Werken Bij Compananny Office Manager

Contact our head office

If you have a question for our head office, please send an e-mail to the relevant department. To help you get started, here are the e-mail addresses for each specific department.

For questions or comments about:
Payment of your childcare invoice:
Planning and placement:

Compananny Kinderopvang Kinderdagverblijf Eten

Prefer to contact us by phone?

We will be happy to help you. Our Planning & Placement department can be reached by phone on weekdays between 9am and 1pm.