Childcare at CompaNanny

Dreumes speelt aan tafel met speelgoed en vrouw helpt

Which Childcare?

Compananny Kinderopvang Kinderdagverblijf Baby Bal


CompaNanny's Daycare (KDV) is for children from 3 months to 4 years old. With conscious attention to each child and age group, our pedagogical professionals always respond to your child's developmental stage.

Compananny Kinderopvang Peuterspeelzaal Peuters


Children aged 2-4 can come and play in the mornings at CompaNanny's Kindergarten! Our expert Pedagogical Employees provide activities that playfully prepare toddlers for primary school.

Compananny Kinderopvang Welke Opvang Buitenschoolse Opvang Buiten

After-School care

Our After-School care (BSO) is for children aged 4 - 12. Our Pedagogical Employees pick up the children from school. At the branch, they can play and sport with other children or find a quiet spot to read a book, anything is allowed!

Compananny Kinderopvang Welke Opvang Buitenschoolse Opvang Buitenspelen

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